Poker Face Surgery

You hear about a lot of strange gimmicks in my line of work – techniques that sound more like punchlines than procedures. “Pokertox,” which was recently floated by a doctor of aesthetic medicine in New York, is one of these punchlines. It’s also one of the most egregious uses of the “-tox” suffix in recent Botox Procedure for Poker Face is Rightly Scorned Read More ». The band fired back at its critics in a skit for SNL Korea, covering Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face' but changing the lyrics to 'Plastic Face.' The expletive-laden song claims that most so-called natural.

Lady Gaga Before and After Photos

Gaga Reflex

The Gaga. If you don’t know that name, or you might but simply can’t place it, then congratulations of the free rent, because friend, you’ve been living under a rock. Lady Gaga, not even thirty years old and she can already be assessed as an icon. She is a pop hero, glittered with gold n’ glory. She is the Madonna of a new generation. Everybody loves her just about as much as she loves herself, after all it’s a gaga world and we just happen to be living in it. This a story that should likely draw a little interest, because of it’s subject and of course, did she actually mess around with the knife? Turn on your Kindle nice and bright and select, Lady Gaga plastic surgery.

“Whether I’m wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I’m always the same person inside.”

Odd Babe-O-Graphy

On March 28, 1986 in Yonkers, New York, Stephanie Germanotta a.k.a. Lady Gaga, manifested onto the earth. By the age of 4, she was rockin’ out on the keys and by the age of eleven, she was accepted into the prestegious Juilliard School in Manhattan. Her music continued and by 13, she wrote her first ballad and a year later she made first performance at a nightclub.
A few years down the line, she got an admission to the Tisch School of the Arts in New York, where only 20 people in the whole world can attend yearly. During that time she crafted her style, created songs but then a few years later, she withdrew from school, seeking creative inspiration. She worked a few jobs to support herself, including gogo dancer work.
In 2005, she had a brief record deal with Def Jam Records, but the deal was broke due to little interest. At 20, she was signed by Interscope Records and in 2007, Gaga recorded first album, “The Fame.”
The album got positive reviews and thus was the beginning of the Lady Gaga love fest. In 2009 she was topping the charts, releasing hit’s like “Poker Face” and the girl continues to dominate the world, with hit albums, singles and sold out arenas across the planet.

Lady of the Knife

Word passed through speculative lips, quickly with vigor, of the possibility that our lovely Gaga, romanced by knife but as of now she’s just holding that poker face.
A part of Lady Gaga’s schtick is her ever changing looks and theme, which borders on the totally insane, so people need to keep in mind those type of things, but there are individuals, many tabloid, who are convinced tha Gaga did herself some work.
Those people may have a point, by looking at her before’s and after’s, her nose appears to changed just ever so subtly. Before the proposed knife work, her nose was a little on the big side and rather unshapely but by the looks of it, if it did happen, she might have felt the desire to integrate her nose into a more blended, refined look. The current nose is not perfectly refined, which may be because she didn’t want it to look too obvious, or the knife may have been not feeling it that day.
There has been talk of Botox as well, she is not that very old at all but usually at her age a few fine lines and wrinkles are typically present, in her case, nothing. Her skin is flawless.
Next on the menu is her lips, if you look at them close enough, there seems to be a fullness that was never there before, the outline looks a little different as well. It could very well be an augmentation.
The one procedure that is cool with the hipster young females, is of course the breast augmentation. If you look closely at the before’s and after’s, there is certainly a little difference in the cup size. It doesn’t look too drastic but it is always a possibility.

Under the Knife Points: The Procedure Checklist

  • Botox Injections
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Lip Augmentation

Born This Way

Whether it be true or false, no matter what, the people love their Gaga. If she did or if she didn’t Lady Gaga plastic surgery is just another way to publicize her, like the people like to do. Remember though, it is Gaga’s world and what happens in Gaga’s world, stays in Gaga’s world.

Getty Images
By/Oct. 2, 2015 9:53 pm EST/Updated: July 19, 2016 10:31 pm EST

It's an open secret that some celebrities will get plastic surgery to maintain their looks over the years. We can't really blame them for it, since how they look is more or less their trademark. But only some celebrities will actually admit to getting some kind of work done. Here are some who were brave enough to admit it.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman was on the suspected-plastic surgery radar for several years before she finally admitted to it in 2013. It seems like she got tired of the rumors, so she admitted to having Botox treatments, not something many celebs like to talk about. While Kidman never explained just when she had Botox, she did say that it was an 'unfortunate move' on her part. Now that she's off it, rather than relying on the neurotoxic protein, she makes sure that she uses sunscreen and abstains from smoking to keep her looks.

Jillian Michaels

The Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels is apparently no stranger to going under the knife. In an interview with People Magazine, she revealed that she had a nose job when she was 16 years old. Her explanation? She got bullied while she was in school, and she said that the new nose changed her life. She went on to say, 'if there is something you want to fix that allows you to feel a little bit more confident, I support it.' We agree—just so long as you don't go crazy or get addicted to getting work done on yourself.

Jennifer Aniston

Poker face surgery complications

We're a little surprised that Jennifer Aniston made some anti-plastic surgery comments in the summer of 2015. She told Yahoo Beauty that plastic surgery can be a slippery slope, and that people can 'lose perspective' on what normal is. This seems a tad hypocritical considering that she had a nose job while she was in her twenties. Okay, it was to correct a deviated septum, so it didn't have anything with her wanting to change her looks. But still, judge not, Jen.

Poker Face Surgery Recovery

Lady Gaga

The point of Lady Gaga's songs, like 'Born This Way,' has been to empower her fans to be who they are no matter what, which is pretty admirable on her part. However, it appears that Gaga hasn't stayed true to her own words. On an episode of the Howard Stern Show, the songstress admitted that she went through a phase during which she was 'really obsessed with getting facial injections.' Now, we'll admit that sounds a little ambiguous. She could have been obsessed with the idea of getting them and not gotten them. However, ahead of her wedding to Taylor Kinney, it has been reported that she looked into getting liposuction, Botox, and fillers so that she could look perfect for her big day. We guess we shouldn't trust her poker face when she talks about plastic surgery.

Ariel Winter

Ariel Winter, who plays super-smart middle-child Alex Dunphy on Modern Family, may seem like she's too young for plastic surgery, considering that she had her procedure at the age of 17. But she definitely had a huge reason: after a really surprising pair of developments during adolescence, Winter had breast reduction surgery in June 2015 to take herself down from size 32F to 34D. Considering that she's only 5'1', we're pretty sure it was the right move. She added that she felt self-conscious about her body, but she also stressed that she didn't do it because of bullying. Winter has stated, 'I got it for myself. I can't even really put it into words about how amazing it feels to really feel right.'

Iggy Azalea

Rapper Iggy Azalea is proud of the fact that she's gone under the knife, twice. She's had work done on both her nose and her breasts. In addition to her admission, she told Seventeen Magazine, 'I don't think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I've spoken about the changes I've made.' However, these admissions have opened up speculation that she has had work done on her derriere. To this, Azalea is quick to say, 'People have been saying I have bum implants forever, but I don't have butt implants.'

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz has readily admitted to having both a nose job and Botox injections. Diaz confessed to the nose job back in 2007, saying that she got it because of a deviated septum, which can make breathing difficult. About her Botox, she regrets it, saying, 'It changed my face in such a weird way that I was like, 'No, I don't want to be like that'.' After seeing what Botox can do to her face, Diaz has come to the decision that she would prefer to see herself age naturally.

Amanda Bynes

Troubled starlet Amanda Bynes, of The Amanda Show and What I Like About You fame, has had no trouble telling people about her plastic surgery. Among other things, she admitted via her Twitter account that she had a nose job. According to Bynes, she had some skin that created webbing between her eyes removed from her nose. She took to Twitter about this because magazines were still using old pictures of her, and she wanted them to stop because she felt she 'will never look like that again!' (The exclamation point is hers.) Maybe she should have worried less about the pictures people used of her and focused more on not throwing bongs out of windows. Just a thought.

Poker Face Surgery

Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Tisdale, star of the High School Musical movies, attempted to make a preemptive strike by admitting she underwent rhinoplasty in 2007 to fix a deviated septum. She admitted it because, in her words, 'I want my fans to know the truth. I'm not someone who is going to act like I had nothing done.' Still, she said the one regret she had from getting the nose job was her decision to sing at Z100's Jingle Ball concert two weeks later, when she was still recovering from the surgery. It must not have been a pretty sight.

Kourtney Kardashian

It should come as no surprise that there's a Kardashian on this list, even if it is Kourtney. Still, the eldest of the Kardashian sisters has always been very candid about the breast augmentation surgery she underwent when she was in college. Since then, she seems to have changed her mind about getting the surgery, saying, 'It was so dumb...I just got the idea in my head one day, and that was that. There was no talking me out of it.' Despite feeling this way about them now, she has yet to do anything about getting rid of them.

Kelly Rowland

R&B singer Kelly Rowland not only had to get the okay from her mom so that she could get breast augmentation surgery, but Beyoncé's mother as well. Back when Rowland was eighteen and a member of Destiny's Child (also known as Beyoncé's former back-up band), Rowland expressed a desire for larger breasts. Both her mother and Ms. Knowles told her 'to really think about it first,' and she did. In fact, she thought about it for ten years and got the procedure when she was 28. And she hasn't been shy about talking about it either, saying, 'It's something I really wanted to do for myself—not for a man, not for work, for myself. And I love them!'

Poker Face Surgery Complications

Ashlee Simpson

When Ashlee Simpson first got her nose job in 2006, she more or less dodged any questions about the topic that came her way. Her usual response was something like, 'I think as long as people have two eyes, then you probably know the answer.' However, after her dad spilled the beans on Fox News, she came out and admitted it herself. But, she made sure to tell Us Weekly that she didn't do it because she was unhappy with the way she looked, saying, 'I don't think I am more beautiful than I was.'

Jessica Simpson

Pop star Jessica Simpson is someone whose experience with plastic surgery is a story of regret. In an interview with Glamour, she admitted that not only did she get lip injections, but she hated them. Simpson went on to say, 'I had that Restylane stuff. It looked fake to me.' Lucky for her, the injections were temporary and went away after a few months.

Britney Spears

Not only has Britney Spears admitted to having plastic surgery, but it's really no big thing to her. She admitted to it in an interview with InStyle magazine, while talking about moisturizer, saying, 'I just bought the new Shiseido face wash and moisturizer. I have no problem trying new brands. A doctor I see, [Beverly Hills plastic surgeon] Dr. [Raj] Kanodia, does fun stuff to me sometimes—I've had lip injections before. He has this peptide-based face-care product.' However, she didn't feel the same way after she got breast implants. According to Rolling Stone, she got them early on in her career. She made this bold move, which was okayed by her mother Lynne Spears, because they thought the prevailing culture wanted her to do so. However, her body was still developing at the time. She later had them removed.

Tara Reid

Poker Face Surgery Before And After Photos

Tara Reid's plastic surgery stories can be seen very much as a warning, as both procedures she underwent were botched. Knowledge of her breast augmentation came out in a very public way, on the red carpet for one of P. Diddy's parties in 2004. A wardrobe malfunction revealed a deformity on her areola, which was a result from the botched surgery. According to her, she 'asked for big Bs.' However, according to Reid, 'he [her surgeon] gave me Cs, and I didn't want them.' In addition to that, she also underwent body contouring, from the same doctor, and met with less-than-desirable results. In her words, 'My stomach became the most ripply, bulgy thing.' Reid continued, 'I had a hernia, this huge bump next to my bellybutton. As a result, I couldn't wear a bikini. I lost a lot of work.' It seems that the moral of Reid's story is that plastic surgery is not always a road to happiness. And if that's not the moral, then it's if a doctor botches one surgery, don't go back to that same doctor for more.